Screenshot reveals a new feature is coming to the Google Messages app

Some of the better third-party messaging apps, like WhatsApp, allow you to create a profile that includes a picture or avatar. On WhatsApp you can check out the profile created by one of your contacts by tapping the magnifying glass icon found on the upper right of the display and typing in his or her name in the search bar. When that name appears on the top of your chat page, press on it. You will see that person’s WhatsApp profile.

According to a screenshot provided by Reddit user seeareeff (via AndroidPolice) showing a Profile page, it would appear that Google is going to allow Android users employing the Google Messages app to create their own profiles. The page was discovered by going to settings and searching for profiles. We need to point out that Android Police says that the Profile page was actually discovered by Esper’s Mishaal Rahman, so we should give credit where credit is due. The page, currently, is not functional though.

The tipster says that if implemented by Google, Google Messages users will be able to create a profile with a photo, name, and email address. Based on the screenshot, it does appear as though users will be able to decide who can view their profiles. We’d expect the options to include one setting that would allow anyone who sends you a message to view your profile if you send back a response. Another setting would allow only your contacts to see your profile, and the third and most restrictive option would allow only you to view your profile.
Other controls would allow you to receive a notification when one of your contacts makes a change to his/her profile, and one that would send you a notification when a new contact is found.

At the moment, we have no idea when or if Google plans on launching this feature. It’s probably a good idea since most people are not going to remember every person they’ve ever engaged in an online chat. A quick look at a user’s profile might restore their memories.

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